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Composition Book

Composition Book Instructions

This year the students in my fourth grade class will complete a weekly Composition Book "Comp Book" that follows the letters of the alphabet. Each school week will represent a different letter of the alphabet and stay in consecutive order. A rubric which will help you and your child better understand the weekly Comp Book is attached? Comp Books are part of home learning and should be completed at home. Comp Books are due to me each Friday. When time permits students may do research at school for Comp Book.

What is the purpose of Comp Books?
Students will learn research skills
Students will practice neatness in handwriting and creative illustrating
Students will have a choice in their research and learning
Students will practice presentation skills each Friday as they rotate in sharing their work
Students will research and learn about multiple subjects
Students will practice time management and discipline in completing their book

How do students complete a Comp Book?
Comp Books should be started each Monday. Students will research a famous person, a famous place, a math topic, and a science/technology topic of their choice. Comp Books are a time to be creative. Students may use color, illustrations, clip art, flaps, and foldables with the Comp Book. The book will serve as a working portfolio which will demonstrate their progress through the school year.

Time management in completing Comp Books is key! I suggest students complete one section of the book each night, do NOT wait until Thursday night to complete all four sections. Students need to manage their time throughout the week, if they have a busy night on Monday they will need to work extra hard on Tuesday night to complete more than one section.

On Friday students will take turns within their corporative groups to share their Comp Books with the class, this will help students become more comfortable with presenting in front of a group. On weeks where their is a school holiday Comp Books will not be due. By the end of the school year 26 letters will be complete.

Can the Comp Book be completed on the computer?
I do encourage students to learn computer skills and practice their keyboard skills. Facts may be typed or handwritten. Research may be done on the Internet or in books, magazines, videos, etc. The letter border must be in the student's own writing. Please do not just print facts off of a web site, this does not reflect the student's own thinking.

How will students be graded?
A rubric will be used to evaluate Comp Books. I will never write on a student's Comp Book, by the end of the year it is their "pride and joy!" I will often use sticky notes to provide comments and feedback. Students will also be evaluated during presentations. Comp Books will be scored as Home Learning.

Will there be additional Home Learning Assignments?
Comp Book is a lot of work and requires time. Family time is important and I feel that student's number one Home Learning assignment is to discuss with their family what they are learning and doing in school. I hope you will have honest conversations with your children about their school day. Students should read nightly, Comp Book research does count as reading. I encourage students to always have a chapter book which they are reading. If you feel that your child needs additional Home Learning assignments for practice please see me and I can provide you with that resource. Take the opportunity and time this year to read with your child, talk with your child, and review their work as part of Home Learning.

Composition Book Weekly Rubric

Comp Book was turned in on time (every Friday)
1          2          3          4          5

Comp Book was neat, organized, and showed creativity
1          2          3          4          5

All four sections and the letter border were complete (4 facts complete facts per section)
1          2          3          4          5

The Comp Book reflected my own ideas, thoughts, interests, and work
1          2          3          4          5

My Comp Book shows progress from last week:            Yes                 No